Monday, November 23, 2009

Day 2: A selective history of computing and the internet

The History of the computer
  • Babbage, Turning and the birth of the computer in the 1900's was discused. Charles babbage invented the first digital computer to crack the codes of the german military in WW1.

  • The weakess link in cumputer security is people.

  • IBM interaction business machines

  • The first home computer-PC- wasnt available until 1975, however the first compueters were around in the 1940's

  • These large primitive computers were developed by IBM for military purposes

  • Xerox Park took computers out of a military context and made them available for business/ordinary people

  • The first PCS didnt come set up as they do today, individuals would by the kit and "hack together' the computer

  • Hence the term "hacker' meaning computer expert (not criminal)

  • These computer hackers began to share software

  • 2 Steves began selling these computers

  • Microsoft caught on and copied this idea

  • Late 70's and early 80's IBM & apple really blosumed

Computers and the internet have a long history of people and personalitys, these people and what seemed to be simple decisions at the time, have been extremely important in shaping our society.Computers and the internet are apart of our nomative experience however it is important to remember and examine the history behind them.

History of The Internet

  • Cyber space- an abstract representation of the internet as a geographical space.

  • The Internet and the World Wide Web are often used as interchangeable terms, however the internet is an interconnected network of computer hardware and software and the www is just one application of the internet

  • The internet was created 40 years ago, this is alot earlier than most people think as they were only available to certain peopel in universities and werent introduced to the rest of society until much later

  • The internet is considered to have been developed for military purposes, so that communication was possible between bases, however a few individuals were already working on the technology which was then funded by the military.

  • Its imortant that messages sent via the internet are not disrupted/destroyed, packet switching overcomes this by breaking down the meassages into tiny parts before sending them off

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