Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Day 4: Free culture, free society

It is not reasonable to apply full copyright in the age we live in. Therefore todays lecture began with discussion on the shared resource creative commons. Creative commons sits between the all rights reserved and the public domain copyright. Options can vary with regard to non-commercial, no derivities, and sharealike. However whenever information is used the creator must be acknowledged.
Initially all software was free up until the 70's when the likes of microsoft/bill gates demanded money for their work. Creative commons is based on the philosophy of R. Stallmans Free Software Movement. With propriatary software people are contrained to using the software as it was created, they cannot access the source code, therfore do not know whats been put into the software or fix problems. Free software allows people to use, edit, and distribute software as they like.Free software enables people to have a choice, to collaborate with other individuals (instead of going against copyright) to change and create good things, and benefit the community.

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